I was informed a few days ago that Imagi Animation Studios, the force behind TMNT and Astro Boy, has shut down their US studio, and is pretty much dead in the water. They actually broke this news, officially, in January. This comes as highly disappointing for me, as I'm not the only one who saw great potential in what those guys were trying to achieve. That team really had heart, and it showed in the projects they chose to adapt. Anyway, they tried. Despite all their flaws, and despite all those who laughed at their setbacks, they tried something new and risky.
So anyways, now that the studio sank, we're seeing a lot of production materials come out of the woodwork, that were only heard of years back. At least I finally get to see the famous "Gatchaman sizzle-reel" Kevin Munroe directed back in 06'. Felix Ip mentioned that the designs were far from finished, and the main feature was the raw stylized action. Also in the works WAS a "T-28" feature, better known as "Gigantor" to American audiences. It's a cryin' shame...
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